Carlton Bowen




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Carlton has been civically involved his entire adult life, first running for elected office at the age of 26. He was the first to declare his candidacy, then as a Republican, for what later became an open seat for Utah’s 2nd congressional district. Carlton finished 4th of 6 candidates in the GOP state convention.

Carlton ran for the U.S. Senate as an Independent American in the year 2000. He ran because incumbent Senator Hatch, who had been chair of the Senate Judiciary committee, was putting forth Supreme Court nominees who weren’t Pro Life. Carlton finished 3rd on the general ballot, beating the Libertarian party candidate.

Carlton ran for and was elected to the American Fork City Council in 2013. Carlton ran because the American Fork City chief of police had written a letter opposing Constitutional Carry legislation. The legislation had passed both chambers of the Utah State legislature, but then Governor Herbert vetoed the legislation, citing in part opposition from some city’s chief of police. Thankfully Constitutional Carry legislation was later passed and signed into Utah law. Carlton served on the city council from January 2014 to January 2018, voting against unconstitutional spending. He sponsored and passed a resolution recognizing Constitution Day in American Fork City.


Carlton is married to Linda Bowen, his wife of 36 years. They have 6 children and 14 grandchildren. Born and raised in Utah, Carlton and Linda have also lived in Texas, Virginia, and South Korea.

Carlton served with distinction in the United States Air Force from 1988 to 1994, receiving multiple awards and medals for his service during that time.

Carlton has degrees in “Economics” and “Intelligence and Imagery Analysis”.

Carlton and Linda are lifelong faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and currently reside in American Fork City, Utah.


Tradition of Freedom

America was founded by people seeking religious and economic freedom. The pilgrims arrived in Plymouth Massachusetts on the ship Mayflower in 1620, fleeing religious persecution in Europe. The Jamestown Virginia settlers arrived in 1607, seeking better economic opportunity. We declared Independence on July 4, 1776, but we didn't win it until 5 years later in 1781, when the British surrendered at Yorktown Virginia. In all of these events God was the author of our Liberty. And we must continue to remember Him if we are to remain a free nation today. Indeed our national motto is "In God We Trust". May it ever be so. This is our tradition of freedom.

Traditional Values

You know what it means. It is so simple and basic. In a nutshell, there are only two genders: male and female. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Families matter, a lot, and ideally have a Mom and a Dad, married, true, and trying. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, and don't kill. Integrity and honesty still matter.

Traditional Money

Traditional money means more than using the Gold and Silver coin the U.S. Constitution envisioned and requires. It also means Free Market economics; not corporate welfare, not socialism nor communism. Rather a Free Market where consumers, not government, choose the winners and losers. It also means the opportunity for all to prosper. It also means fiscal responsibility by our federal government, with balanced budgets and reducing the national debt.


Carlton is the only pro-TRUMP candidate on your ballot for U.S. Senate to replace Mitt Romney. Carlton's Republican opponent hasn't endorsed Trump for president and called for Trump's censure! By contrast, Carlton endorses Trump and got a motion approved for his party to endorse TRUMP.


Carlton will be speaking at the Cache County Clerk fund raising dinner for David R. Gillie

Old Rock Church in Providence, Cache County, Utah
August 28, 2024
5:30-6:30PM Meet & Greet, 6:30PM Dinner (tickets required, see, 7:15PM Remarks by David Gillie, Carlton Bowen, and Scott Bradley

Come & Meet Independent and 1st Party Candidates

Sandy City Library 10100 Petunia Way Sandy, Utah 84092
August 29th, 2024


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