Carlton Bowen

What is the Uni-Party?

Senator Mike Lee frequently uses the term “uniparty” to describe how Republican leadership is aligned with the Democrat party to implement the O’Biden Administration’s agenda.

Similarly my use of the term “uni-party” refers to how voters elect legislators to implement change, but when those legislators get back to Washington the change never happens. It’s like it’s all still just one party determined to undermine the priorities of the American people and to ignore their vote.

For example, when it comes to the national debt, it just keeps going up no matter which party controls Congress and the White House. Similarly, both parties always spend more than we take in from taxes in the yearly spending bills, so we always have “deficit spending” and never have a balanced budget, not even for just 1 year!

As an Independent American, I will vote against increasing the “debt ceiling”. I will also vote against annual (yearly) “deficit spending” where we spend more than we take in.

Together we can “Break the Uni-Party!” Paid for by Carlton 4 US Senate

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