Carlton Bowen

Your Only Pro-Trump Choice

Your ONLY Pro-Trump Choice Carlton is running to be your U.S. Senator replacing Mitt Romney. Carlton is Pro-TRUMP.  Romney was against President Trump, and sadly, this year’s Republican candidate John Curtis has also refused to endorse Trump for President and even called for Trump’s censure!   By contrast, Carlton, a lifelong Republican, is running as an Indepenent […]

What is the Uni-party

What is the Uni-Party? Senator Mike Lee frequently uses the term “uniparty” to describe how Republican leadership is aligned with the Democrat party to implement the O’Biden Administration’s agenda. Similarly my use of the term “uni-party” refers to how voters elect legislators to implement change, but when those legislators get back to Washington the change […]

Why I am the only conservative Choice

Carlton E. Bowen is the only conservative option on the Utah ballot for U.S. Senate.  Why?     FACTS:   1.  Republican nominee John Curtis ran (and lost) as a DEMOCRAT for the Utah House in the year 2000.  To win in Utah you need to run as a Republican.  So Curtis is now a Republican.  […]

Happy Pioneer Day!

Happy Pioneer Day! I’m thankful for the many who have gone before, including my Pioneer ancestors David Morris Bowen and Franklin Dewey Farnsworth. It was sobering to be in a 14X14 pioneer cabin today in American Fork where a family of 11 resided. Who can say their life was any less happy?  We have it […]

Statement Attempted Trump Assassination

Statement on Attempted Trump Assassination July 13, 2024   Issued by Carlton E. Bowen, candidate for U.S. Senate     As 1 of 3 U.S. Senate candidates on the November ballot in Utah, and as the only Independent, this is my public statement regarding the attempted Trump assassination on July 13, 2024:   “I’m thankful […]

Why I am running

Dear Neighbor,                                                                                                                                July 10, 2024   I want to share with you why I amrunning for the U.S. Senate.    I felt like Mitt Romney was doing a poor job representing the State of Utah as our Senator.  When running for U.S. Senate, Romney had saidhe was a Utah conservative at heart, but once elected, […]

Will My Opponent Be a Majority Candidate?

The GOP has a 4 way primary to choose their U.S. Senate candidate this June 2024 and it’s not what the GOP wanted.  Republican Party rules seek to avoid a primary if there is a clear consensus candidate in the GOP nominating convention who gains a strong majority of delegate voters.  This year the convention […]

There will be an Independent Option

There will be an Independent Option     As Repubicans get ready to battle out who their U.S. Senate candidate will be for 2024, I want you to know there will be an Independent option.   Perhaps you like one of the 4 Republican nominees (or the Democrat nominee), but maybe your guy doesn’t win […]

Announcement Blog

INDEPENDENT AMERICAN PARTY TO RISE UP?U.S. Senate Candidate says it’s time Carlton Bowen is announcing his candidacy for the U.S. Senate as an Independent American saying “It’stime for the Independent American Party to rise up, for the good of this country.” Candidate Carlton says he is running on a platform of “Traditional Values”, “Traditional Money”, […]