Carlton Bowen

There will be an Independent Option



As Repubicans get ready to battle out who their U.S. Senate candidate will be for 2024, I want you to know there will be an Independent option.


Perhaps you like one of the 4 Republican nominees (or the Democrat nominee), but maybe your guy doesn’t win in the primary.  Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of sending the same type of folks back to Washington D.C., “Establishment” folks, the “mainstream” folks who quickly become the “insiders” once in Washington.


You know who I’m talking about.  Some call them “Republicrats” or “RINO’s”, others… the “uni-party”.    They say they won’t raise taxes, but then they do.  They say they won’t increase the national debt limit, but then they always do.  They say they won’t renew FISA, the unConstitutional spying on Americans without a warrant, but then they do.  They basically campaign for one thing to get elected, and then once elected immediately stab you in the back by voting the opposite of what they campaigned on, to the point where the 2 major parties are practically indistinguishable from one another on the most important issues of our time, such as the national debt, federal spending, and the protection of our Liberty.


No matter which party has the “majority”, they vote for more and more federal government control and regulation in our everyday lives, with the corresponding mountain of debt that no one can afford (it’s over $130,000 now for every man, woman, and child in the United States).  They borrow over a trillion dollars a year, for what?  Not to make America great and strong, but rather to make our adversaries and competitors strong.  It seems like they want to make US weak.  Weak financially, weak morally, weak as a society, weak as a country.


Not me.  I won’t stand for it anymore.  We can’t afford to have another Republicrat, RINO, uni-party U.S. Senator from Utah.  It’s time for a real change!


That’s why I’m running as an “Independent American”.  So that you have a true choice this November 2024.  Unless we’re in a hot war declared by congress (i.e. WW III), I won’t vote to increase the national debt ceiling limit, regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats control the Senate.  I won’t vote for annual spending that has to be borrowed.  We can live on what we take in.  It’s not like our taxes are low.  And as interest rates go up, more and more of our taxes are going just to pay the interest on the debt!  It’s not sustainable.  I won’t vote to renew FISA Section 702, which obliterates our Constitutional judicial process guarantees of innocent until proven guilty.


I won’t vote for an American surveillance state like communist China’s, where the government has access to every person in America’s private communications without cause and without the Constitutionally requuired search warrant.  Our U.S. Constitution forbids what our government is doing right now under illegal FISA rules.  I’ll vote for a judicial system that isn’t politicized and follows the Constitution, for your right to assemble and petition your government for a redress of greivance without being locked up as a political prisoner in a DC gulag, as the J6 political prisoners currently are.  I’ll vote to protect the integrity and independence of a free press, and I don’t just mean the big lame stream media who lies to us enmass every day.  Independent and small journalists’ free press rights should be just as protected.  It’s not like the Constitution says we’ll have freedom of the press but only for the 5 or 6 large media owners who control the free world’s media.


Rather, I will vote for the United States of America that the U.S. Constitution created.  I will vote to protect your individual God given Rights, such as the Right to Life (inside and outside of the womb), the Right to Keep and Bear arms without an out of control ATF breaking down your door in the dark of night and literally killing you,  because you bought a gun, as happened to Bryan Malinowski in March of 2024.  I will vote to *not* have your property or cash siezed under “asset forfeiture rules” that blatantly violate our U.S.  Constitution by seizing property without judicial process and without just compensation.  I will vote to protect your right to privacy both from government snooping and from corporate theft.  I will vote to protect your right to own and control property.  In short, I will vote to restore the protection of your fundamental right to pursue happiness in a free and secure society.


While I will be only 1 of 100 U.S. Senators, my election will be like a mortar going off next to a mirror, shattering the illusion that Americans will continue accepting the destruction of our country by the current “2 party system”.  It will be a loud and clear wake up call to our country and to the uni-party that the status quo WON’T continue.  WE MUST CHANGE COURSE TO REMAIN A FREE AND PROSPEROUS NATION!


We can do this.  Together we can BREAK THE UNI-PARTY and take back our country!


But I can’t do it alone; We must do it together!  Will you tell a neighbor about my campaign, put up a yard sign, host a meeting, volunteer, or donate?  You can do most of these things today from my website,


Our campaign is picking up steam but I need your help to break through the media blockade of Independent pro-America candidates.  I need your help to break through this “2 party system” that has been running our country into the ground and bankrupting our posterity!


In short I need your help to “Break the Uni-party”!  Are you with me?  Together we can do this!

Please go to and do something now on the website to help, such as donating and volunteering at the bottom of the website.  Under the volunteer section you can host a meet the candidate event, put up a yard sign, or volunteer to help in other ways.  PLEASE tell others about me.  I will be 1 of 3 candidates for U.S. Seante on  everyone’s Utah November 2024 ballot.


There will be an Independent Pro-AMERICA option for U.S. Senate this year.  You don’t have to vote for the Republicrat uni-party clone candidate option this year.  Carlton E. Bowen will be on yor ballot.  That means YOU can vote for Carlton.  That means WE can win!


Send a message.  Break a mirror.  Change our direction.  We must to survive.  I don’t know that there’s anything more I can do or say to convince you.  IT’S NOW ALL UP TO WHAT YOU DO AND SAY.

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