Carlton Bowen

Dear Neighbor,                                                                                                                               

July 10, 2024


I want to share with you why I am
running for the U.S. Senate. 


I felt like Mitt Romney was doing a poor job representing the State of Utah as our Senator.  When running for U.S. Senate, Romney had said
he was a Utah conservative at heart, but once elected, he voted in the U.S. Senate like a Massachusetts liberal!  He sided with Democrats on their key legislative priorities, often undermining his own Republican Party.  Out of the entire US House & Senate, Romney was the only Republican to vote to impeach President Trump in 2020. 


I had been planning to challenge Romney as an Independent American to ensure there would be a pro-Trump choice on the November ballot.  When Mitt Romney chose not to run for re-election, I felt like I was off the hook!  Trent Staggs was pro-Trump and had declared he was running for the seat.  I thought that was great and I supported Trent Staggs candidacy. 


Months later though, I again had impressions that I needed to file to run for U.S. Senate. In January of 2024 I filed to run. I do feel like it is important and that I am doing what I am supposed to do by running.  Some people may ask can you win?  The fact that I am on the ballot for U.S. Senate means that people can vote for me. Who wins is determined by how each individual chooses to vote. So yes, I can win


My campaign has 3 platform pillars, Traditional Values, Traditional Money, and Our Tradition of Freedom!  You can learn more on my website,, at my X social media account @Carlton4USenate, and by searching Face Book for Carlton4USSenate.


The media blocks and blacks out mainstream media coverage of First Party candidates (“1st Party” because before there were Democrats or Republicans, there were Independent Americans voting for the best person!)  So even though I am 1 of only 3 candidates for U.S. Senate, and will
appear first on every ballot in Utah for U.S. Senate, I get no media coverage.  (I have done several press releases.)  This is not unexpected, but it should be concerning to voters.


Please check out my website and if you are so inclined, donate (click monthly) and volunteer today!


Yours in Freedom,



Carlton E. Bowen

U.S. Senate Independent American candidate                                 

Paid for by
Carlton 4 US Senate



Carlton E. Bowen is the only conservative option on the Utah ballot for U.S. Senate.  Why?  




1.  Republican nominee John Curtis ran (and lost) as a DEMOCRAT for the Utah House in the year 2000.  To win in Utah you need to run as a
Republican.  So Curtis is now a Republican.  But what are his true political leanings?


2.  John Curtis isn’t endorsed by Trump & Curtis doesn’t endorse Trump for President.  Why? Romney also didn’t support Trump. In this way, Curtis is looking a lot
like Romney 2.0…


By contrast, Independent American Carlton endorses Trump & convinced the Independent American Party of Utah at caucus to endorse Trump for President.


3.  The Republican nominee John Curtis was the Utah County DEMOCRAT Party chair in 2002-2003.


4.  John Curtis started the “climate caucus” in the GOP. He then received millions of dollars from radical environmental groups to buy Utah’s U.S. Senate primary. 


By contrast, I Carlton didn’t need millions of dollars to be on your ballot because I am an Independent American. I’m not controlled by any group. 
I will promote Utah’s energy industry, not tie it up!


5.  Curtis won the GOP primary with about $7 million in outside $. What strings were attached to taking that $? Hint: Climate activist Jay Faison contributed much…


6.  Curtis was endorsed by EDF Action, an arm of the radical Environmental Defense Fund, a globalist carbon tax type group.  Utah’s U.S. Senate election has been bought and paid for by powerful outside interests hostile to Utahan’s, except for 1 thing:  There will be 1 conservative on the ballot who isn’t bought and paid for: Carlton E. Bowen an Independent American!


7.  Curtis used the 7 million in outside money to blanket Utah with non-stop TV ads saying how conservative he was.  Why would an environmental group run ads saying someone was conservative? Because they knew Utah voters wanted a conservative.  But is John Curtis really a conservative?  Curtis’ Freedom Index score is 60%, a D grade.  Mike Lee’s by contrast is 92%, an A.  The grades are for the same years both were in congress.


8.  One of the things Curtis’ ads said was that he was conservative on China. But Curtis criticized Trumps trade war on China.  Curtis isn’t conservative on China.


9.  After winning the Republican nomination, Curtis was asked if he would accept Trumps endorsement if offered.  Curtis, who doesn’t endorse Trump for president, reluctantly said he would accept Trump’s endorsement.  He then said he would also accept Biden’s endorsement!  Note:  Neither Biden nor Trump has endorsed Curtis.  Curtis was trying to troll (insult) Trump.


10.  Most Utahan’s didn’t want a Romney 2.0, i.e. a liberal Republican, in the U.S. Senate.  Romney was neutral during the primaries, and his endorsement would have hurt Curtis. But after the election was over and Curtis won, Romney praised John Curtis.  Utah’s Republican nominee is Romney 2.0. 


There is only 1 conservative name for U.S. Senate on your November ballot:

Carlton E. Bowen, Independent American for U.S. Senate!


Copyright 2024 Carlton E. Bowen

 Permission granted to copy & distribute
but only in whole (front and back). 
Content may not be modified.

Paid for by Carlton 4 US Senate


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