Carlton Bowen

Your ONLY Pro-Trump Choice

Carlton is running to be your U.S. Senator replacing Mitt Romney. Carlton is Pro-TRUMP.  Romney was against President Trump, and sadly, this year’s Republican candidate John Curtis has also refused to endorse Trump for President and even called for Trump’s censure!  
By contrast, Carlton, a lifelong Republican, is running as an Indepenent American to ensure there is a Pro-TRUMP choice on the ballot.  Carlton will be on your Utah ballot this November.  Carlton endorses Trump for President and introduced and passed a motion in Caucus for the Independent American Party of Utah to also endorse Trump for President. 
Most people don’t know that the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate this year John Curtis actually ran for the Utah Senate as a DEMOCRAT in the year 2000, and was chair of the Utah County DEMOCRAT party from 2002-2003. 
By contrast, Carlton has served within the Republican Party as precinct chair, in both Salt Lake and Utah Counties, as county delegate, state delegate, and on the Republican Central Committee.  Carlton IS the ONLY pro-Trump and Conservative option for U.S. Senate on your Utah ballot this November, 2024.  
Cast an informed vote this year:
Vote TRUMP for President 2024. Vote CARLTON Bowen for U.S. Senate 2024.  
Write in Republican convention winner Phil Lyman for Governor 2024. Paid for by Carlton 4 US Senate

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